Steps to Follow:


  • Drag the OPTION BUTTON(form control) from DEVELOPER TAB
  • Right click on Button, and select FORMAT CONTROL
  • Assign CELL LINK as C14, whcih denotes about the OPTION BUTTION NUMBER
  • Repeat the same process 4 times(as we have 4 additional tables
  • Now i have created 5 OPTION BUTTIONS
  • Excel assigned 5 numbers for each and every option buttion

    Drag the data seperately to insert values into charg:


  • Select E12 cell and insert CHOOSE function



    How this Function Works?

  • This function works based on INDEX number mentioned in C14 cell
  • If C14 value is 1: It retrieves A1 cell value
  • If C14 value is 2: It retrieves D1 cell value
  • If C14 value is 3: It retrieves G1 cell value
  • If C14 value is 4: It retrieves J1 cell value
  • If C14 value is 5: It retrieves M1 cell value
  • Drag the formula till the end
  • Insert the data into chart which is placed betwee E12 to F19 cells



    In another way same chart we can create with the help of NESTED IF function


  • Create drop down in B11 cell
  • Write the below mentioned NESTED IF formula in D11 cell and drag till the end
  • =IF($B$11=$A$1,A3,IF($B$11=$D$1,D3,IF($B$11=$G$1,G3,


  • insert the table values in chart