Drop Dwon Chart: IF Function




  • Through IF function we can restrict the data set
  • Based on satiation of condition we can change the data, which we use in chart

    Steps To Follow

  • Select J16 cell and create dropdown, for SALES & VALUES
  • Select C15 cell and update the formula as mentioned below:



    Explanation of this Formula: If data in J16 is SALES then copy the C3 value, else copy D3 value


    Same formula drag into D15 cell also


    Drag the formula from C15 to C23 till the last cell being copied

    Drag the formula from D15 to D23 till the last cell being copied


    Update below mentioned formulas while selecting data for chart:

  • ='IF CONDITION - drop down'!$C$15:$C$23
  • ='IF CONDITION - drop down'!$D$15:$D$23