Data Frames in Pandas - 2D Array


  • It is a two dimentional data structure


  • It is represented in tabular format

  • It consists of row index and column index


  • df.columns, denotes about columns

  • df.index, denotes about rows

    Structure of Data Frame:



    Source to create DataFrames:


  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • Series
  • Numpyndarrays
  • Create one Dataframe to another

    DataFreame sysntax:




    Data Frames with Dictionaries


  • If data represents to list we need to mention the column headers, whereas data is in form of DICTIONARY, KEY value is conidered as column Headers


    Craete Dataframe without providing values to Index



    Craete Dataframe after providing values to Index



    Row index and column Headers



    Retrieve all the values\rows



    Retrieve all the values\rows



    Row slicing



    Row slicing - multiple rows



    Row slicing - all rows



    Dataframe - column slicing - single column




    Dataframe - Delete a column




    Dataframe - row slicing and column slicing



    Dataframe - Apply condition on a column



    Dataframe - Transpose



    Dataframe - Add new column with insufficient data

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    df = pd.DataFrame([5,6], index = ['apple','banana'])
    ser = pd.Series([15], index = ['apple'])


    Slice the Dataframe based on criteria


    Pandas - Split the frame based on condition



    Create Dataframe with multiple lists





    Pandas Download

  • click on below mentioned image to download: