Openpyxl - Introduction
To load a workbook into python
Create a Sheet as 2nd worksheet
Sheet Index count starts from zero
Create a Sheet as first worksheet
Newsh = wkb.create_sheet(index = 2, title = "LowerCase Sheet")
sh = wkb['Input']
sh['A2'] = 'List of Items'
sh['A3'] = 'Apple Banana'
sh['A4'] = 'Grapes Orages'
sh['A5'] = 'Black Board'
sh['A6'] = 'Marker and Eraser'
sh['A7'] = 'Pen and pencil'
sh['A8'] = 'Tricks 12345'
sh['A9'] = 'Back Bench'
Find Max row and max column at sheet level
Print the data from Excel
Save the workbook
Copy the data from one worksheet to another
Newsh.cell(row = 1, column = 1).value = sh.cell(row = 1, column =1).value
How to store the data into variable
Data = Newsh.cell(row = 1, column = 1).value
Write the data in a cell
Newsh.cell(row = 1, column = 2).value= Data
Convert the data into lower case
Newsh.cell(row = r, column = 2).value= Data.lower()
Increase the column width
Newsh.column_dimensions['A'].width = 22
Newsh.column_dimensions['D'].width = 22
State about Dir Function
Create Attendance Sheet
Create Table
Iterate Column By Column (or) Row By Row