Create Chart With Listbox

  • Create column Chart
  • Format the Listbox which is an active X control
  • Craete Names
  • Listbox Change Event
  • Highlight the Max value's Point color with YELLOW
  • Update\Refresh the chart data based on Listbox Selection
  • Click on below mentioned image to watch video:


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    Public DisbleEventsFailed As String
    Sub Create_Charts()

    'Disabled the Events
    Application.EnableEvents = False

    On Error Resume Next

    'Defined the variable for Data worksheet
    Dim DSh As Worksheet
    Set DSh = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Data")

    'Delete the existing Chart Object

    'Wait for One second
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))

    'Create The Names for the Data
    DSh.Range("A2:A7").Name = "Fruits"
    DSh.Range("B2:B7").Name = "One"
    DSh.Range("C2:C7").Name = "Two"
    DSh.Range("D2:D7").Name = "Three"
    DSh.Range("E2:E7").Name = "Four"
    DSh.Range("F2:F7").Name = "Five"
    DSh.Range("G2:G7").Name = "Six"
    DSh.Range("B1:G1").Name = "Years"

    'Application jumping to the Listbox events when we deleted the values from the listbox
    'when program hits Listbox1.clear
    DisbleEventsFailed = "Yes"

    'Format the Listbox
    With Sheet1.ListBox1
    For C = 2 To 7
    .AddItem Sheet3.Cells(1, C).Value

    .ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    .BackColor = RGB(150, 0, 0)
    .Font.Name = "Estrangelo Edessa"
    .Font.Size = 15
    .Font.Bold = True
    End With

    'Create chart Object
    Dim ch As ChartObject
    With Range("H2:P18")
    Set ch = Sheet1.ChartObjects.Add( _
    Height:=.Height, _
    Width:=.Width, _
    Top:=.Top, _

    'Create Chart
    With ch.Chart
    ch.Name = "Sales"
    ch.Chart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered

    Dim S As Series
    Set S = ch.Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
    S.XValues = Range("Fruits")
    S.Values = Range("One")
    Dim L As Legend
    Set L = ch.Chart.Legend
    'L.Position = xlLegendPositionTop
    S.Name = "Sales Data"
    S.Interior.ColorIndex = 9
    ch.Chart.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryValueGridLinesNone)
    ch.Chart.SetElement ((msoElementPrimaryCategoryGridLinesNone))
    S.HasDataLabels = True

    'Find the Max value from the values of Chart
    MaxValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Large(Range("one"), 1)

    'Loop through all Points and assign Yellow color to the max value point
    For V = 1 To S.Points.Count
    If S.Values(V) = MaxValue Then
    S.Points(V).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    Exit For
    End If
    End With

    End With

    DisbleEventsFailed = ""
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

    ListBox Change Event

    Private Sub ListBox1_Change()

    'If the Program the event while running the Macro in Module
    If DisbleEventsFailed = "Yes" Then
    GoTo ExitProgram
    End If

    'Find the Year Number based on Listbox selection
    YearNumber = Sheet1.ListBox1.Text

    'Find the Range Name based on Year Number
    If YearNumber = Val(2015) Then
    RangeName = "One"
    ElseIf YearNumber = Val(2016) Then
    RangeName = "Two"
    ElseIf YearNumber = Val(2017) Then
    RangeName = "Three"
    ElseIf YearNumber = Val(2018) Then
    RangeName = "Four"
    ElseIf YearNumber = Val(2019) Then
    RangeName = "Five"
    ElseIf YearNumber = Val(2020) Then
    RangeName = "Six"
    End If

    'Find the Max value
    MaxValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Large(Sheets("Data").Range(RangeName), 1)

    'Define the series and change the color of the point(s)
    With Sheet1.ChartObjects("Sales")
    Dim S As Series
    Set S = .Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
    S.Values = Sheets("Data").Range(RangeName)
    S.Interior.ColorIndex = 9
    For V = 1 To S.Points.Count
    If S.Values(V) = MaxValue Then
    S.Points(V).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    Exit For
    End If
    End With

    S.HasDataLabels = True

    DisbleEventsFailed = ""
    End Sub